丹堤 玫瑰面膜 Dainty Rose Mask

玫瑰面膜 Rose Mask


主要功效: 協助肌膚水合凝聚力, 并釋放有效成份供給肌膚達到柔嫩細致, 明亮白皙, 保濕美白。

玫瑰萃取精華, 玻尿酸, 維他命E油, 胺基酸, 酵素, 植物精油, 膠原蛋白。


臉部清潔后, 取一片玫瑰面膜與肌膚密合, 於15-20分鐘后取下, 打圈按摩待精華液完全吸收, 不用沖水

售价: RM 3.50/ 片

Rose mask helps you get a firm and elastic skin.
The formula helps to restore skin structure & makes your skin soften and radiant.
It also retains and replenishes moisture in the skin to prevent wrinkle from forming and maintains a youthful appearance by reducing signs of aging.

1. Rejuvenate cells, refresh dull and tired looking skin

2. Giving your skin a supple and radiant look

3. To whiten and re-hydrate your skin

4. Prevent wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity

Ingredients : D.I.Water, Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Aloe Barbadensis leaf juice, Rose Extract, Algae Extract.

Skin type : Suitable for ALL skin type.


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